My name is Nicola Bestford, I am the Canine Welfare Officer for the World of Lupines Foundation (W.O.L.F.). I am very passionate about animal welfare and conservation.
I work full-time as a customer service manager, living in Dorset with my partner, our son and our four dogs. Two Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog cross and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Until recently, I ran the Wolfdog Rescue UK, where we successfully rehomed over 55 wolfdogs. During this time I gained a lot of experience and knowledge about natural type dogs. I also built strong working bonds with other rescue organisations and breeders.
I believe that all dogs brought into this world should be from health and temperament tested parents. I believe that all breeders should be committed to taking back their bred dogs if new homes don’t work out. And I believe that all breeders should only produce dogs for the betterment of a breed. Breed standards and a clear breeding program should be in place to help achieve this goal. It is due to these beliefs that I became a part of W.O.L.F.
I look forward to supporting W.O.L.F. reach it’s goals through education and by ensuring compliance with the Constitution and Code of Ethics.